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(ii) why the ‘fair value option’ was initially introduced and why it has caused such conce


(ii) why the ‘fair value option’ was initially introduced and why it has caused such concern. (5 marks)

(ii) Fair value option
As set out above, the standard permits entities to designate irrevocably on initial recognition any financial asset or liability
as one to be measured at fair value with gains and losses recognised in profit or loss. The fair value option was generally
introduced to reduce profit or loss volatility as it can be used to measure an economically matched position in the same
way (at fair value). Additionally it can be used in place of IAS 39’s requirement to separate embedded derivatives as
the entire contract is measured at fair value with changes reported in profit or loss.
Although the fair value option can be of use, it can be used in an inappropriate manner thus defeating its original
purpose. For example, companies might apply the option to instruments whose fair value is difficult to estimate so as
to smooth profit or loss as valuation of these instruments might be subjective. Also the use of this option might increase
rather than decrease volatility in profit or loss where, for example, a company applies the option to only one part of a
‘matched’ position. Finally, if a company applied the option to financial liabilities, it might result in the company
recognising gains or losses for changes in its own credit worthiness.
The IASB has issued an exposure draft amending IAS 39 in this area restricting the financial assets and liabilities to
which the fair value option can be applied.
I hope that the above information is useful.
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