早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享
早教吧考试题库频道 --> 财会类考试 -->ACCA/CAT -->

(b) Briefly discuss how stakeholder groups (other than management and employees) may be re


(b) Briefly discuss how stakeholder groups (other than management and employees) may be rewarded for ‘good’

performance. (4 marks)

(b) Good performance should result in improved profitability and therefore other stakeholder groups may be rewarded for ‘good
performance’ as follows:
– Shareholders may receive increased returns on equity in the form. of increased dividends and /or capital growth.
– Customers may benefit from improved quality of products and services, and possibly lower prices.
– Suppliers may benefit from increased volumes of purchases.
– Government will benefit from increased amounts of taxation.