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The grid computing is a new(66)technology connecting the distributed and(67)resources to t


The grid computing is a new(66)technology connecting the distributed and(67)resources to the high-speed network and integrating a super-computer of processing capacity. The significance and architecture of the grid computing is explained. Several kernel technology such as OGSI, resource management, task management, task scheduling, high rate communication and security are described. Aiming at the particularity of the grid computing environment a mechanism similar to the technology of the search engine is designed to registry, discovery and(68)the resources in the grid. The whole model of the resource management is built by connecting task manager in the local resource management system to others with P2P model. The task may migrate among the task managers in order to(69)the load. The task users summit may be executed in relatively tight resource set, which will not only decrease the total communication overheads of the whole task but also(70)the performance of the system.




