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七年级(下)英语Unit 11 短文填词
Dear Li Lei,
Thank you very much f__ your letter.I really enjoyed s____ at your home for one month.Would you l___ to visit me in the USA next August?
My younger borther is going to s________,his first vacation in Toronto next summer,and you can use his room.Don't be too s_____when you see it.He is crazy about soccer,s______ he has many pictures of famous soccer p____ on the wall.His room very comfortable,and you will enjoy staying in it.
In his room there is a TV set.It is a big color TV.It shows both English and Chinese p________.You can w_____ films or the news in English.
I am sure you will come to my country.Say h______ to everyone in you family from me.
Writ me soon.
Dear Li Lei,
Thank you very much f__ your letter.I really enjoyed s____ at your home for one month.Would you l___ to visit me in the USA next August?
My younger borther is going to s________,his first vacation in Toronto next summer,and you can use his room.Don't be too s_____when you see it.He is crazy about soccer,s______ he has many pictures of famous soccer p____ on the wall.His room very comfortable,and you will enjoy staying in it.
In his room there is a TV set.It is a big color TV.It shows both English and Chinese p________.You can w_____ films or the news in English.
I am sure you will come to my country.Say h______ to everyone in you family from me.
Writ me soon.
for staying like spend suprised so piayers programs watch
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