早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
改错题,每句一处错误:1.Clouds hold water that evaporates from the land or the sea;the water in clouds returned to the land as rain or snow,
2.the second sentence on the Declaration of Independence established the foundation for the civil rights not enjoyed by every United States citizen.
3.Laying the foundation for word-wide radio.Marconi transmitted long-wave signals without wires in 1895 when only he was twenty-one years old.
2.the second sentence on the Declaration of Independence established the foundation for the civil rights not enjoyed by every United States citizen.
3.Laying the foundation for word-wide radio.Marconi transmitted long-wave signals without wires in 1895 when only he was twenty-one years old.
1.Clouds hold water that evaporates from the land or the sea;the water in clouds returned to the land as rain or snow,
2.the second sentence on the Declaration of Independence established the foundation for the civil rights not enjoyed by every United States citizen.
句子的首字母大写The not前加were United States citizen 最好改为 citizen in American
3.Laying the foundation for word-wide radio.Marconi transmitted long-wave signals without wires in 1895 when only he was twenty-one years old.
.only 在 was之后
2.the second sentence on the Declaration of Independence established the foundation for the civil rights not enjoyed by every United States citizen.
句子的首字母大写The not前加were United States citizen 最好改为 citizen in American
3.Laying the foundation for word-wide radio.Marconi transmitted long-wave signals without wires in 1895 when only he was twenty-one years old.
.only 在 was之后
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