早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.hope to do sth. _______________
2.愿意去做…… _______________
3.在某人看来 _______________
4.be off to... _______________
5.玩得开心 _______________
6.offer sb. sth. _______________
7.代替 _______________
8.stay out _______________
9.in red paper _______________
10.覆盖 _______________
11.break down _______________
12.客人 _______________
13.打扫卫生 _______________
1.I was Natchuing TV at nine last night.(用now改句子)
2.He doesn't work hard(用be fore改句子)
3.She says she can do it for me.(用last time改句子)
4.Did lily teach here last year?(用this term改句子)
5.I'u go out if it doesn't rain(用hesaid带领并改写句子)
6.Come in, please.(改为陈述否定句和反义问句)
7.They're boxes. the girls don't run fast. those are tomatoes ,they're old man (均改为单数)
( )1.A. wake B. week C. wait D. make
( )2.A. ready B. red C. radio D. rain
( )3.A. shoes B. sure C. sugar D. short
( )4.A. stay B. skate C. study D. sky
( )5.A. queue B. quickly C. quarter D. question
( )1.A. best of all B. most of all C. worst of all D. not at all
( )2.A. too far to get B. too old to walk
C. too young to run D. too dangerous to cross
( )3.A. keep healthy B. keep busy C. keep quiet D. keep clean
( )4.A. for seasons B. four seasaws C. four seasons D. for seasaw
( )5.A. after you talk to your friend B. after you talk to your parents
C. after you talk to your teacher D. after you talk to your daughter
( )1.A. It may be a tiger. B. It must be a tiger. C.It can’t be a tiger.
( )2.A. He is not a student any longer. B. He is a new student.
C. He is a good student.
( )3.A. We are not alone. B. We are afraid to stay here.
C. We are all alone here.
( )4.A. The box isn’t big, but I can’t carry it. B. The box is big. I can not carry it.
C. The box is big. I can carry it.
( )5.A. I will go to bed after I finish the work.
B. I won’t go to bed when I finish the work.
C. I will go to bed because I don’t finish the work.
( )1.A. 200 metres B. 200 kilometres C. 100 metres
( )2.A. On an island B. In a factory C. On a farm
( )3.A. Bob is fifteen B. Bob is fourteen C. Bob is thirteen
( )4.A. By bus B. By bike C. On foot
( )5.A. Yes, she did. B. No, she didn’t. C. Maybe.
The Smiles 1 to a new town. They soon 2 a lot of friends. They often
3 to their friends’ houses for dinner or 4 , and they wanted to 5 their friends to theirs, too.
Many people 6 on December 5th. They all had a good time. They were still there at mid-night. When a policeman came and 7 the doorbell. He asked them to
8 making so much noise. They 9 sorry they had to 10 .

1. Taking (运动) is good for our health.
2. She (咳嗽) and her temperature was a little up.
3. Nothing is (困难) if you put your heart into it.
4. What’s your (麻烦), young man?
5. The old man feels (生气).
6. —Have some milk, Mary.
—It’s not sweet(甜) enough, I want some more s in it.
7. He is too young, you can’t leave him by h .
8.They e themselves in the park last Sunday.
9. Don’t tell Mum about the present. Let’s give her a big s .
10. Mike always likes m faces in class.
( )1. The babies are still .
A. wake B. awake C. waking D. sleep
( )2. “We keep the desk clean.” Which kind of sentence(句子) is it?
( )3. —Must I do it right now?
—No, you .
A. won’t B. mustn’t C. don’t have to D. don’t
( )4. Why not to the cinema with us?
A. to go B. going C. go D. goes
( )5. The TV set is broken, please don’t turn .
A. on it B. it on C. it in D. in it
( )6. He is a man of words.
A. a little B. a few C. little D. few
( )7. The baby stopped and the music.
A. crying, listened to B. to cry, listened to
C. crying, to listen to D. to cry, listen to
( )8. It us three hours to do the work yesterday.
A. takes B. take C. will take D. took
( )9. Can you the car down the road?
A. stop, to move B. stop, from moving C. stop, moved D. make, to move
( )10. It is easy for a stranger to in a big city.
A. get lose B. get lost C. get losing D. lose
( )11. cold weather it is today!
A. How B. How a C. What a D. What
( )12. Eating is not good for your health.
A. too many B. too much C. very much D. enough
( )13. I stayed at home all day to work.
A. instead to go B. instead going C. instead go D. instead of going
( )14. We are going out for a picnic if it tomorrow.
A. not rain B. isn’t rain C. rains D. doesn’t rain
( )15. I want to give him to eat.
A. something English B. some English thing
C. English something D. anything English
( )16. He writes .
A. good enough B. enough good C. enough well D. well enough
( )17. —I’m very glad Beijing can be the host (东道主) for the 2008 Olympic Games.
— .
A. So am I . B. So I am C. So do I D. So I do
( )18. What number comes next? 1,2,4,7,11,16? .
A.18, B.22 C.21 D.24
( )19. Which of the following is a country’s capital(首都)?
A. New York B. Paris C. Sydney D. Toronto
( )20. In the Iraq War(伊拉克战争) people lost their lives. We are against (反对) any war. We need peace(和平).
A. thousand of B. thousands of
C. about ten hundreds D. hundred of
1. I listened carefully, but I didn’t hear anything.
I listened carefully but I .
2. You may stay at home or you may go out.
You may stay at home go out.
3. It’s about five minutes’ walk.
It about five minutes there.
4. They kept working all the afternoon.
They kept working afternoon.
5. Lucy is working hard. Lily is working hard, too.
Lucy is working hard, and .
6. Take the third turning on the left.
at the third turning.
7. Can you tell me the way to the library?
Which is to the library?
8. The teacher said to us, “Don’t be late for school again.”
The teacher told us be late for school again.
9. Thank you for helping me.
Thank you for .
1.Mr. Wu (look )very happy yesterday.
2. When I saw him, he was busy (make) dumplings.
3. You’d better (go) to bed now. It’s late.
4. Ask her to stay here a little longer when she (come) next time.
5. Look, how fast she (swim)!
6. Jim feels like (play) basketball.
7. If it (rain) next Sunday, she won’t go to the zoo.
8. Would you like (play) volleyball with us?
9. Neither I nor she (like) music.
10. You must stop (talk). It’s time for the meeting
Long, long ago there was a poor man. He had an orange tree in his garden. On the tree there were many fine oranges. One day he 1 one of his oranges was much bigger than the others. It was as big as a football. 2 could ever (曾经)see such a big orange. The poor man 3 the orange to the king. The king was very happy 4 gave the man a lot of money 5 it.
When a rich man heard of it, he said to 6 , “It’s 7 an orange. I’ll take the gold cup(金杯) to the king. He must give me 8 money.”
The next day when the king 9 the gold cup, he said to the rich man, “What a beautiful cup! I’ll show you 10 . Please take this great orange.”
( )1.A. looked B. liked C. watched D. found
( )2.A. Nobody B. Nothing C. Any D. Some
( )3.A. took B. brought C. had D. carryed
( )4.A. that B. so C. and D. but
( )5.A. on B. for C. to D. in
( )6.A. the man B. myself C. himself D. you
( )7.A. only B. very C. big D. good
( )8.A. many B. lot C. most D. more
( )9.A. got B. liked C. touched D. closed
( )10.A. a nice thing B. some bread C. some money D. some books
A small boy and his father were having a walk in the country when it began to rain. They did not have raincoats(雨衣) or umbrellas(伞) with them and there was not any place to hide(躲藏) from the rain, so they had to walk home. Soon they were all wet.
On their way home, the boy asked his father, “Dad, why does it rain? It isn’t very nice, is it?”
“No, it isn’t very nice , but it’s useful(有用的),” answered the father, “It rains to make the flowers and vegetables grow for us, and to make the grass(草) grow for the sheep.”
The boy thought about this for a moment, then he said, “Then why does it rain on the road too, father?”
( )1. The man and were taking a walk in the country.
A. his son B. his daughter C. his father D. his friend
( )2. They were soon all wet because they .
A. had no raincoats or umbrellas with them B. liked walking in the rain
C. could not find a place to hide from the rain D. Both A and C
( )3. It seemed that the boy .
A. did not like the rain
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