早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.The weather was so hot and we could not read much.
2.This piece of fish smelled badly.
3.The young is taught to respect the old.
4.There is nothing interesting on today's paper
5.The teacher with many students have gone to the Great Wall.
6.Who of them is your father?
7.These shoes are too little for me
8.Between the trees stand a stranger.
1.The weather was so hot and we could not read much.
2.This piece of fish smelled badly.
3.The young is taught to respect the old.
4.There is nothing interesting on today's paper
5.The teacher with many students have gone to the Great Wall.
6.Who of them is your father?
7.These shoes are too little for me
8.Between the trees stand a stranger.
1.The weather was so hot and we could not read much.
2.This piece of fish smelled badly.
3.The young is taught to respect the old.
to:to be
4.There is nothing interesting on today's paper
on :in
5.The teacher with many students have gone to the Great Wall.
6.Who of them is your father?
who of them:which
7.These shoes are too little for me
8.Between the trees stand a stranger.
2.This piece of fish smelled badly.
3.The young is taught to respect the old.
to:to be
4.There is nothing interesting on today's paper
on :in
5.The teacher with many students have gone to the Great Wall.
6.Who of them is your father?
who of them:which
7.These shoes are too little for me
8.Between the trees stand a stranger.
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