早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Pedestrian and vehicular traffic patterns,massing,sunshade
Studies,integration into existing neighborhoods,
municipal requirements,zoning bylaws and complex public
consultation processes - these are some of the various
constraints an urban designer must balance in conceiving
a solution that will best serve a community.Be it a resort
area or the development of a new residential project,urban
architecture requires a systematic approach.The patient
search for elegant solutions to the myriad problems
encountered allows the progression,via a series of evolving
proposals,towards an over-all master plan that satisfies
all of the initial constraints.
Pedestrian and vehicular traffic patterns,massing,sunshade
Studies,integration into existing neighborhoods,
municipal requirements,zoning bylaws and complex public
consultation processes - these are some of the various
constraints an urban designer must balance in conceiving
a solution that will best serve a community.Be it a resort
area or the development of a new residential project,urban
architecture requires a systematic approach.The patient
search for elegant solutions to the myriad problems
encountered allows the progression,via a series of evolving
proposals,towards an over-all master plan that satisfies
all of the initial constraints.
人车混杂、建筑密度、采光问题、周边现有住户(原文为:融入现有的邻居,即不与周边建筑产生突兀感)、当地政府(规划)要求、区域划分,以及(复杂的)公关(公共关系)程序(P.S.你可以理解为类似中国拆迁户协商之类的)—— 为了能尽可能照顾到方方面面,城市规划人员在进行规划时必须(面对和)权衡各种不确定的约束(可理解为,一堆必须视实际情况而定麻烦事让你脑袋疼,你还没法躲).对于是保留原有区域,抑或是开发一个新的楼盘(原文new residential project 意为 新的住宅项目),城市建筑学里要求(使用)系统地方法(来决定).(而且)专为解决这类问题进行的长期调查研究也足以通过不断的改进建议,支持一系列为制定全面的、高质量的规划计划(而进行的)对于初期问题的全面统计(和分析).
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