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I can't go to the New Year's,( ),100 dollars is just too much for me to spend in one evening.
A in other words B that is C in particular D I mean
(本题求答案及翻译 谢谢)
We agreed ( ) here but so far she hasn't turned up yet.
A having met B meeting C to meet D to have met
At the meeting they dicussed three different ( ) to the study of math.
A approaches B means C methods D ways
(为什么要选A而不能选C呢 A有特指选学习方法么- -)
Some of the old traditions have been ( ) as time goes by.
A abandond B abolished C absorbed D abused
(我选了B,B字典里的解释是特指习俗废除啊 不是更合语境么)
第二题 不是agree to do sth.么
第一个选择题:I can't go to the New Year's,(D ),100 dollars is just too much for me to spend in one evening. A in other words B that is C in particular D I mean
解释:去掉空格,你会发现前面和后面各自是单独的句子,既不会互相影响.空格前的句子:I can`t go to the new year`s 在于这个new year`s,这是一种省略,例如:the greengrocer`s=the greengrocer`s shop 蔬菜水果店.所以前半句翻译成中文大致是我不愿去这么一个庆祝新年的地方.为什么?因为空格后半句是说一个晚上花费100美元对于我而言太贵了.所以,选D.整个句子就是我不愿意去这么个地方,我的意思是,一个晚上100美元太贵了.
第二个选择题:We agreed ( D ) here but so far she hasn't turned up yet. A having met B meeting C to meet D to have met
解释:首先,短语 agree to do sth.这是第一个考点.其次,我们得了解不定式的模式,意思是说不定式也有时态和主被动.1 to do.(不定式的原型)2 to be done(不定式的被动) 3 to be doing(不定式的进行时)4 to have done(不定式的完成时)因为to 后面只跟原型,所以在遇到要用不定式的完成时态时,只能用have,不能用has或had. .这道翻译成中文就是我们已经同意召开会议,但她目前为止没有出现(turn up),用完成时的原因在于but连接整个句子看后面的时态.所以,这道题共有两个考点,一个是短语,一个是时态.
第三道题:At the meeting they dicussed three different ( ) to the study of math.A approaches B means C methods D ways
解释:空格后面的to the study of math 是做形容词修饰前面的名词,例如 I have (something) to do 一样的道理.四个选项都有方法的意思,而这个题的考点在于你对英语的积累,既在都可以的情况下,哪个词更适合在这个句境运用.而这里的different 强调三种不同的学习数学的途径.
第四道题:Some of the old traditions have been ( ) as time goes by.
A abandond B abolished C absorbed D abused