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1.last year in France I gave a lift to a young "French".I just know a few words of French,so we sat in silence except for the greeting of French.I had not known he was English himself until he said "Do you speak English?" in the end.
2.I felt nervous when I went into the office of Mr.Harmsworth,who wanted to see me.He said that twenty people had already left because business was bad and the firm couldn't pay such large salaries,but to my surprise,he didn't ask me to leave!
3.Traffic police don't usually give you a ticket if you park your car in the wrong places,for example,when I was on holiday in sweden,I found a polite noto to want me to pay attention to the street signs in my car.Everyone can't fail to obey a request like this.
1.第二句注意时态,改成I only knew a few words in French,so we sat in silence except for greeting each other in French.要用IN这里不应该用OF.
第三句I did not know he was English until he said.用一般过去式就可以,因为你用了not until句型,所以这里没必要用过去完成时.而且不用强调himself.
2.I felt nervous when i went into Mr.Harmsworth's office.不要用of someone很别扭.couldn't pay 改成 couldn't afford好一点,pay在这里倒也没错.
3.wrong place不用复数.你一次只能趴在一个错的地方吧.on vacation度假,不是on holiday.I found a polite noto?note?to remind me,want这里不合适.这句话最好改成I found a polite note in my car that reminded me to pay attention to street signs.Everybody would respond to a request like this.最后一句是整篇最有问题的.没有说Everyone can't的,这种情况在英语里是不会出现的.Nobody can才是正确用法.
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