早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
( )When there is a typhoon,what should we do?
( )What may happen when there is a typhoon?
( )Really,what else?
( )A heavy object may fall and hurt people.
( )We would like better stay at home.
( )Windows may be broken.
( )When there is a typhoon,what should we do?
( )What may happen when there is a typhoon?
( )Really,what else?
( )A heavy object may fall and hurt people.
( )We would like better stay at home.
( )Windows may be broken.
(5 )When there is a typhoon,what should we do?
(1 )What may happen when there is a typhoon?
(3 )Really,what else?
(2 )A heavy object may fall and hurt people.
(6 )We would like better stay at home.
(4 )Windows may be broken.
(1 )What may happen when there is a typhoon?
(3 )Really,what else?
(2 )A heavy object may fall and hurt people.
(6 )We would like better stay at home.
(4 )Windows may be broken.
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