早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Lisa and Lucy are good friends.They are in the same class.是短文的开头,求全文?
Linda and Lucy are good friends.They are in the same class.But they come from different countries.Linda is a Chinese girl.Lucy is from the U.S.A.Last Sunday afternoon they went shopping together.Linda bought some exercise books.Lucy bought some pens.It was five o’clock.They were both a little hungry.Lucy wanted to eat something.So they went to a restaurant.And then Lucy asked Linda,“Would you like something to eat?” “No,no,” answered Linda.So Lucy bought some bread and a glass of milk for herself.She sat down and began to eat.Linda stood there alone and looked at her.She was hungry and she was angry,too.She thought Lucy was impolite and didn’t want to be friends with her any longer.But Lucy didn't know this,because it was not impolite to do so in her country.
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