早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


英语根据词的类型填空 请帮忙讲解一下为什么这么填
1.When you come to the library at eight this evening ,I _____(study) there.
2.Two hundred more such houses______(build) by the end of the year.
1.When you come to the library at eight this evening ,I _will be studying____(study) there.
2.Two hundred more such houses__will be built____(build) by the end of the year.
第一题为将来进行时,关键词在 at eight ,this evening ,有个具体的时间点,而且是将来时态,所以要用will be 结构
第二题为将来完成时,关键词在 by the end of the year,在今年年底,所以也要用到will be,build 为被动语态,用built