早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
用提示词,组成一段话 50词
experience while find imagine hero
用提示词,组成一段话 50词
experience while find imagine hero
Last night,while I was sleeping,i had a really good dream:
I became a super hero and everybody loved me.I saved people who had been in trouble and helped the police to catch the thief.I found back the diamond ring that had been stolen.The city was safe and peaceful...
I think it great for us to imagine sometimes..But I hope it isn't only a dream.I hope that our world will find it's real hero so it will be peaceful as what it was in my dream.
I became a super hero and everybody loved me.I saved people who had been in trouble and helped the police to catch the thief.I found back the diamond ring that had been stolen.The city was safe and peaceful...
I think it great for us to imagine sometimes..But I hope it isn't only a dream.I hope that our world will find it's real hero so it will be peaceful as what it was in my dream.
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