早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


【16】.Li Ming insisted that he ________ anything at all.
A.hadn't stolen B.shouldn't steal C.doesn't steal D.steal
【19.】 Read it aloud so that I ________ you clearly.
A.may hear B.will hear C.hear D.have heard
【20】.They got up early in order that they ________ they first train.
A.caught B.will catch C.might catch D.shall catch
aac是答案,insist后宾从是将要发生的动作时,宾从用(should) do,16题偷是过去发生的,不虚; 19,20 是目的状语从句,用相应的情态动词就行,20题前是got 过去时,故后用might