早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1、I'm interested in animals.
2、Trees provide food for both humans and animals.
3、Can you hand your father the newspaper?
4、It is noisy in the classroom.
5、The shade of the big tree cools the house.
1、I'm interested in animals.
2、Trees provide food for both humans and animals.
3、Can you hand your father the newspaper?
4、It is noisy in the classroom.
5、The shade of the big tree cools the house.
I like animals and want to know more about them.
Both animals and humans can get food from what grows on the trees
Can you give me the newspaper your father has read
People are making a lot of noise in the classroom
The temperature of the house is lower than the outside thanks to the shade of the big tree
Both animals and humans can get food from what grows on the trees
Can you give me the newspaper your father has read
People are making a lot of noise in the classroom
The temperature of the house is lower than the outside thanks to the shade of the big tree
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