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The Terson I Love Most
Everyone has the person who he or she loves most.These people are none other than relatives,lovers or friends.And for me ,the person who I love most is my mother.
My mother is an ordinary housewife,has not many knowledge.As a woman who grew up in countryside,my mother is good at housework and cooking to her is just a piece of cake.As she is very good at cooking ,every time I miss her,she also reminds me of her delicious food.
When I was a child,I often fall sick.However,my mother is always very careful to take care of me.She is the person who loves me most in this world,and she is also the same for me!
The Person I Love The Most
Everybody has someone who he or she loves the most,being their relatives,lovers or friends.As for me,the person I love the most is my mother.My mother is an odinary homemaker,she is not overly knowledgeble.Being a woman who grew up in the countryside,my mother is good at doing housework.Cooking comes easily to her.Every time I think of her,I always think about all the delicious food she makes as well.When I was little,I often got sick.But my mother was always there to take good care of me.She is the one I love the most in the world,and I'm sure she feels the same towards me too.
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