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在你眼中 澳大利亚是什么样的?(英语,包含定语从句,好的方面.)
最好是句子,像:I your eyes----------
Australia has always been a fascinating place for me.Lush green fields,pristine blue skies and fresh air are a few thoughts that comes to mind when I think of Australia.Known for its amazing landscape and scenery,Australia is full with beautiful things.
One example of Australia's natural beauty would be the famed Great Barrier Reef on the east coast.It is unquestionably the biggest reef in the world,with the varieties of species found there unmatched in any other parts of the world.Starfishes,sea Horses,manta rays,sea turtles are just a few organisms that you might see if you ever visit the Great Barrier Reef.
Even though Australia's natural beauty is the first thing that comes to mind when I think of it,is it far from being the only thing.One of the other things that gave me the most impression about Australia was none other than the city Sydney.
The most glamorous and commercialized city in Australia,Sydney is famous for lots of things,such as the Sydney Opera House located in the heart of Sydney.I'm sure anyone who sees the architecture of Sydney Opera House will be amazed,even if only online not in the real world.
Lastly,one another thing that I would like to mention is the atmosphere of Australia.Chill and relaxing,Australia is a great city to go to if you are ever sick of busy city life.People's attitudes are relaxing,and almost everybody is nice and kind towards one another.
In conclusion,that is what Australia looks like through my eye.
And now,my dear 玄碧琳.I've written so much,and I think my reward is due.
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