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Alpha Male
Those who are born feeling that the world just "isn't right" and it's their job to make it right.Will do anything to gain control of people and bend them to their will.Forces ideologies on all people,friend and foe,domestic and foreign.
Has no sense of reasoning except rationalization,which may you note is coming up with reasons after-the-fact.Completely and totally reactionary.
World renowned for creating illth (in place of wealth) and convincing people there is really wealth.
Usually identifiable by their ape-like complexion and ape-like actions.(They're a regressive force in evolution - things always flow both ways)
Stereotypically,what every marine wants to be.
1.)The leader of a pack/herd/etc.
2.) The dominant male.
3.)The main source of population
A domineering and aggressive male.Instinctually forces his will upon other males and females to get his way through any means necessary,including violence.Unhibited and primitive.
Instinctually forces his will upon other males and females to get his way through any means necessary,including violence.instinctually霸道和侵略性的男性.其他势力他将在男性和女性获得冲过任何必要手段,包括暴力和原始.
The sign of signifigance in human beings,particulary highschool students.
"Bernard is so talented at everything,he is teh alpha male"
"i own you,im the alpha male"