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有关there be的知识点
there be句型考点预测
〔考点一〕there be句型的结构
〔解析〕英语表示“什么地方或时间存在什么人物”,常用“there +be +名词+地点(时间)状语”结构.
There is a blackboard on the wall.墙上有块黑板.
There are a lot of desks and chairs in the classroom.教室里有很多桌椅.
There is only a table,four chairs and a small bed in the room.房间里只有一个桌子,四把椅子和一张小床.
1.There two knives in the pencil-box.
A.is B.am C.be D.are
2.Look!There some water in the bottle.
A.is B.was C.be D.are
3.There an apple and some pears on the table.
A.am B.be C.is D.are
〔考点二〕there be句型的否定结构
〔解析〕there be的否定结构有两种方法:
There is not a telephone in the room.房间里没有电话.
There aren't any chairs in the room.房间里没有椅子.
There isn't any water in the bottle.瓶子里没有水.
There are no clouds in the sky.天上没有云.
There was no water in the pond.池塘里一点水也没有.
1.—Are there pens on the desk?
—There are pens on the desk.
2.There any rulers in the bag.
3.There any bread on the plate.
〔考点三〕there be句型的疑问结构
〔解析〕there be变成疑问句时,将系动词 be放在there之前,句子其余部分不变.
There is a map on the wall.
It there a map on the wall?
Yes,there is./No,there is not(isn't).
How many classrooms are there in the school?这个学校有多少教室?
Is there going to be just one session(会议) or two?要开一次会还是两次?
There are lots of people like that,aren't there?这样的人很多,对不对?
1.There are 25 students in the room.(就划线部分提问)
students in the room?
2.There is little water in the bottle, ?(完成反意疑问句)
〔考点四〕there be句型的时态
〔解析〕there be句型可以有各种不同时态.如:
There was a meeting yesterday.昨天有一个会.(一般过去时)
There will be a good wheat crop this year.今年小麦将有一个好收成.(一般将来时)
There has been much talk about the matter.关于这件事已经谈论得很多了.(现在完成时)
— there a meeting tonight?
—Yes, .(No, .)
— there letters from Tom lately?
—Yes, .(No, .)
lots of people in the library yesterday.
〔考点五〕there be句型中情态动词和助动词的用法
〔解析〕there be可以和情态动词或助动词连用:
There may be another downpour tonight.
There must be something wrong.
There some desks and chairs in the room.
no more time wasted.
〔考点六〕there be句型中除用be外,还可用其它动词.
〔解析〕there be结构中的谓语动词,有时可用seem to be,happen to be等词组,或表示类似“存在”观念的其它动词.如live,come, stand,lie等.如:
1.There happened to be nobody in the room then.恰好那时候房间里没有人.
2.There seems to be some misunderstanding about the matter.对于这个问题似乎存在着误解.
3.Once upon a time there lived a king in China.从前中国有个国王.
4.Then there came a knock at the door.接着听到敲门声.
5.There stands a bottle on the table.桌子上有个瓶子.
1.There once an old man in a village by the sea.
A.lived B.stood C.came D.went
2.There doesn't to be too much hope of our team beating theirs.
A.live B.seem C.happen D.think
〔考点一〕1—3 DAC
〔考点二〕1.any;no 2.aren't 3.isn't
〔考点三〕1.How many,are there 2.is there
〔考点四〕1.Will,be,there will(there won't)
2.Have,been any,there have(there haven't)
3.There were
〔考点五〕1.may be 2.There must be
〔考点六〕1.A 2.B