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Dear Editor,
Recemtly,our class have had a heating discussion about whether __________
the Beijing Zoo should be mouvd out of the city.Some of my
classmates are in favor with the move.They say large crowds of
tourists to the zoo will result traffic jams.They also say that once __________
moved,animals will have more space and better living condition
in the suburbs.However,others are against the idea,say that the
Beijing Zoo has history lf 100 years,and is well-known at home
and abroad.So it should remain where it is .What's much ,moving
may cause to the death of some of animals.To move or not,this is __________
a big decision that has to be done by people in Beijing.
Yours truly,
Li Hua
你有很多错字呢!增加了难度呀.1.heating→heated 加热器该为激烈的2.正确3.with→of 赞同4.result后加in 导致5.better后加 a 6.say前加they 没有主语7.history前加a8.much→more9.去掉cause 后的to10.done→make mak...
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