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"Childhood" the editors, are called me to write one to the child "My Childhood". About “the childhood”, I wrote have continued one. Now might as well tells thrilling stories, listens for the children. this was probably about 1906 matter, my father was the battalion commander who at that time the Yantai Navy practiced the camp, our family lived in practices in a camp opposite staff family member's central courtyard, this central courtyard was covers on a flat land which dug from the hillside. I always remembered that daily my mother combs the short braid for me time, I from the rear window look, outside is a high dirt wall, in each hoe has dug in the concave hole, steadily young Cong dandelion, she is “the flower which” in my life becomes friends with in friend's first! when my family following hillside, some and the marine warship passes the flag indicator flag Taiwan, my father brings a flagstone - - was we go to school in childhood to use frequently to make the arithmetic that kind of flagstone - - and is leading two colored flag sailors, on flag Taiwan went with the harbor in the warship telephone conversation. Yantai Dongshan at that time, is bleak very, often has the wolf to come out in the night to look for food. Our kitchen master worker often complained: Last night covered under the big chicken coop, above was also pressing a big stone chicken coop, also goes against by the wolf, ate the chicken. Was inferior that builds a brick the hen house to be good. I have not seen the wolf, also on toward has not gone to at heart this saying.
One day of evening, the father also leads a flag signaling sailor, on flag Taiwan went. The sailor got down quite a while, the father also on the stage, I ran flag Taiwan to look for the father. Dim light of night boundless, I hear after death as if to have an airedale in with me, hears father one to shout at suddenly: “you come up quickly!”I turn head when looked, sees only, ash blue eye which a pair is also bright is cool penetrates to the bone, simultaneously on the flag stage a sound of something being struck or falling to the ground bang, is the flagstone falls in the ground broken sound, that airedale resembles, some pair of fearful ash blue eye's thing, is towing a long tail, turned around to run. All these only occur in several seconds time! I ran flag Taiwan, the father closely have hugged me in the bosom said: “what pursued a moment ago behind you are a wolf! Was not I pounds the flagstone to run away in fear it, you already let it eat. Later at such late time does not want to come out, to hear?”I was only at that time hee hee am smiling in the father bosom, I could not imagine am nipped by the wolf have been eating am any feeling. Now recalled after actually has one kind “, fears”.
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