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朋友们,帮我写一篇英语作文,急要,提示词语:禽流感:bird fiu;检验:quarantine;喷嚏:sneeze;粪便:dropping;
Brief measures of defending the bird flu.
The bird flu is a deathful disease,to which there is still no effective medicines today.But we could defend and prevent it in advance.The mainly way that the bird flu virus infect us is through the direct touch of the ill chicken and its dejecta.So we could simplely get rid of the virus by getting away with sick chicken and its dejecta.If we touch them we should wash our hands at once in case of being infected.Also we should be away with thoses who infected with the virus and we should cover our mouth and nose when we sneezes.We should develop the habit of opening the window ofen,we should gain enough sleepness and eat well.And enough exercise is also helpful.
Well to defend the bird flu we should insist on doing all these.
The bird flu is a deathful disease,to which there is still no effective medicines today.But we could defend and prevent it in advance.The mainly way that the bird flu virus infect us is through the direct touch of the ill chicken and its dejecta.So we could simplely get rid of the virus by getting away with sick chicken and its dejecta.If we touch them we should wash our hands at once in case of being infected.Also we should be away with thoses who infected with the virus and we should cover our mouth and nose when we sneezes.We should develop the habit of opening the window ofen,we should gain enough sleepness and eat well.And enough exercise is also helpful.
Well to defend the bird flu we should insist on doing all these.
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