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If you leave something important on a bus or underground train while traveling around London ,you should visit the London Transport Lost Property Office in central London.“we ‘ve got everything here ,but it’s difficult to imagine how people lost some things,” says manager Maureen Beaumont,leave a box of false teeth.”How can anyone holding their teeth on a bus ” “If there’s a name and address somewhere on the item(物品),we try to contact the owner and return it .Visitors to London are always surprised to get their property back.If we can’t find the owner anywhere,we keep the item here for three months and hope that someone will come into the office to claim it .If no one comes to get the item in that time,we sell it.” “It’s an interesting job.People lose some unusua
2011-8-18 20:33:23

如果你离开的东西在公共汽车或地铁列车在伦敦旅行时很重要,你应该去参观伦敦运输迷失在伦敦市中心的知识产权局. “我们已经得到了这里的一切,但是很难想象人们如何失去了一些东西,说:”经理莫林博蒙特,留下一个假牙...