早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
in general,it is made up by small cartoon chips of 6 or 8 minutes,about naughty stories took place between a cat called Tom and a rat called Jerry,they played tricks on each other most of the time for amusement.
relatively speaking,Tom got both muscularity and a much more big size than Jerry,but what made Jerry always the winer of game is that he got a smarter mind.in this point,where the American spirit comes,this cartoon encourage some kind of strategic thinking,rather then physically strong.
upon all those sophisticate theories,i think the most succeseful point is the music editing,which wined it several gold men(Oscar).
relatively speaking,Tom got both muscularity and a much more big size than Jerry,but what made Jerry always the winer of game is that he got a smarter mind.in this point,where the American spirit comes,this cartoon encourage some kind of strategic thinking,rather then physically strong.
upon all those sophisticate theories,i think the most succeseful point is the music editing,which wined it several gold men(Oscar).
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