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4:日记内容:(注:人名 蔡依林(JOLIN) 周杰伦(JAY) 小猪(SHOW))
“因为现在那个专门在讲八卦、还有骂人的网站,现在前十名的热门题目,” 我笑着说,因为我竟然将前十名的宝座,那么开心地全让给他啦.
对,不要看.我从前也从来不看的……我想起自己从前几乎没有来过这个网站,因为我知 道“蔡依林”这三个字在那里,是曾经命运乖舛到一种身在地狱的境界啊……
有一次我还真的相信,他的魔术已经厉害到可以透视人的内心.因为他把魔术和透视超能 力,结合在一起--那是他说的.但用在小猪身上竟然都全部猜中,我吓死了!觉得他已经练 到有神功附体的境界!
我们,三个人的交情,是一个常兜扰的小圈圈,因为大家都很忙,但一旦兜拢了,却谁都 急着先说……好朋友在一起,总是没有谁的话多,话少的问题……
我哪里知道这两个家伙,竟然携手给我送了这个大礼--我会一辈子放在心底的感激.他们 觉得录CF的创意实在太逊,小猪还自告奋勇跳进来,写了一个状况剧,不计形象地扮成我,和杰伦一起演了那好玩的剧,我后来才知道他们哥儿俩还认真地讨论了剧本,甚至还特地跑 到录音室去完成这支作品……连我的唱片公司都觉得,他们真是太够朋友啦!
那我做东,三个人的晚餐,随便你们选,那是我万分之一感谢的表示.聚完后的迢迢前路 ,我有杰伦又帮我写的,而且保证是割爱之作的新歌,还有小猪的祝福.自由的另一个定义 ,也许正是孤独……但我非常有把握,其实自己并不孤单.
Former days call jay.
"Congratulations!" I said.
"Why?"He said.
"Because now that specialized in speak gossip, and swearing website, now the hot topic, top is you!" I said with a laugh, because I actually will top the throne, so happy to give it to him!
"Oh, no way! Don't look good." Jay said.
Yes, don't look. I had also never watch... I think of himself had almost no visited the site, because I know a way "CAI yilin" these three words there, was once GuaiChuan to a body fate in hell realm.
But what can I say out, good.
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Maybe jay concert next should open a magic to, ha! Music magic, magic music!
Once I also really believe, his magic have severe enough to perspective the person's heart. Because he put the magic and perspective chaoneng force, unifies in together - that's what he said. But in pig body that all guess, I frighten dead! Think he already practiced to possess a fascinating skills around the state!
Then I just know, that is completely jay colluded with pig prior to good results.
Our friendship, the three of them, is a common pocket circlet circle of crosstalk, because everyone is busy, but once their ride, but who are anxious to say... Good friends together, always no one more than the word, speaking little problem...
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CF originality, I feel very embarrassed each other's record company, because jay in the XuanChuanQi, I know he really busy.
Where I know these two guys, unexpectedly to send me the gift - I'll on the bottom of heart grateful. They think the originality of the recorded CF pigs and also too Hudson, volunteer jumped into wrote a situation play, regardless of the image to pretend to be me, and jay together made it fun to play, I afterwards just know they GeErLia also seriously discussed the script, even specially run to the studio to complete the team works... Even my record companies think they really have a friend is to be one!
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We arranged, regardless of the results, three people all want if go to dinner to celebrate or comfort one another, either.
I first freedom.
It's my shout, three dinner, literally you choose, that is my PPM thank representations. After all the clustering of road before, I have jay and help me to write, and guarantee is the new song, and works give up what one favours pigs blessing. Free another definition, perhaps it is lonely... But I'm very confident, in fact is not alone.
That we all will come on!
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