早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


一.用词填空 1.My wang helps chidren with___(dance) 2.Can you___(speak)English?
3.I play with ___(they)after class.4.Are you a ____(music)?5.my sister likes singing and___(want)to join the music club.6._____(they)rock band will show in our school.7.My father after____(help)me with computer.8.What club ___(do)Alan want to join?
1 dancing 介词后接动词ING)
2 speak ( can 后接动词原形
3 them 介词后的代词用宾格
4 musician 音乐家
5 wants 主语三单
6 Their他们的( 后接名词)
7 helps ( after 应该是:often) 主语三单
8 does 主语三单,故要加助动词does