早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


Ⅳ. 单项选择
1. His father was ill. He stayed in hospital __________ two weeks.
A. in \x05\x05B. with\x05\x05C. for\x05\x05D. at
2. —Our Chinese football team has __________ the match.
—Well done!
A. beaten\x05\x05B. failed\x05\x05C. lost\x05\x05D. won
3. I don’t believe __________ him. But this time I believe what he says is true.
A. in \x05\x05B. at\x05\x05\x05C. with\x05\x05D. to
4. What about __________ an interview about teenage fashion?
A. write\x05\x05B. to write\x05C.writing\x05\x05D.wrote
5. —Would you like to go swimming with us tomorrow?
A. Congratulations!\x05\x05\x05B. Yes, that would be fun.
C. That’s wonderful news.\x05D. What a pity!
Ⅰ. 翻译下列词组
1. 有……的习惯 __________\x09\x092. 尽力 __________
3. 尽力做某事 __________\x09\x09\x094. 相信自己 __________
5. 每周一次 __________
have a habit of
try one's best
try to do sth
believe in oneself
once a week