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Learning English is of great Important
Now,English is more important in our life .It is widely emploied all over the world.Even in some international conferences people use English,and in many business letters people use English too(这个too加的合适不合适?)As the technology's progress,we have to learn science from western countries and show our achievements to other countries .(替换成them是不是更好?)Besides,English helps us build up a good relationship with foreign countries and it's also a good way to cooperate and develop with each other(这句有些别扭,怎么改?)So,we must learn English well in order to make great contributions to our country.
Because of the great importance of the English,it(这个代词有无问题?) became a compulsory course in both high schools and colleges.Therefor,we should spare no effort in learning English.
Learning English is of great importance.
Now, English is more and more important in our life .It is widely applied all over the world. People use English in most of the international conferences, and also in many business letters. As with the technology's development, we have to learn science from western countries and show our achievements to others. Besides, English helps us build up a good relationship with foreign countries and it's also a good way to cooperate with each other. So, we must learn English well in order to make great contributions to our country.
Because of the great importance of the English, it became a compulsory course in both high schools and colleges. Therefore, we should spare no effort to learn English.
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