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34页 :五题答案1.我有很多的书.(翻译)I have a lot of book2.他有一个弟弟和一个妹妹.He has a brother and a sister3.让他唱支英语歌.Let him sing English songs4.那些是老虎吗?不是,它们是狮子.Those are the tiger it?No,they are the Lions.5.那是什么?是一头奶牛.What is that?Is a cow.35页:五题答案1.他们下星期要去看父母.2.他姐姐会讲汉语,但不会讲法语.His sister will speak Chinese,but it will not speak French.3.这个婴儿昨天夜里没有哭.The baby did not cry last night.4.昨天上午我在读这本书.Yesterday morning I'm reading this book5.我们的教室干净明亮.Our clean and bright classrooms.36页:五题答案1.开发中国西部是很重要的.The development of western China is very important.错2.你应该用正确的方法开始谈话.You should use the correct approach to the beginning of conversation.3.当我在修卡车的时候,他正在画画.When I was in repair trucks,he is painting.错4.那个故事是父亲讲给我们的.That story is the father told us.错5.她比昨天来得早.She is more than yesterday morning.错 38页:五题答案1.这些大学有权授予学位.These universities have the right to award degrees.2.许许多多青年人有机会上大学.Many young people at the University of organic.3.许多出身于贫困家庭的学生上大学的时候,不得不在晚上去当服务员.Many come from poor families to college students,when forced to become a waiter at night.4.这些孩子在音乐方面很有培养前途.These children in music is very promising5.你们不要抱怨条件艰苦,而应该努力工作,逐步改善条件.Do not complain about the difficult conditions,but should work hard to gradually improve conditions6.请告诉我是谁决定推迟会议的.Please tell me who made the decision to postpone the meeting7.和工人们一起工作对我们有好处.And workers are good for us to work together8.学生的人数是根据校园的规模决定的.The number of students is based on the size of the campus decision.40页:五题答案1.他心怀这一想法终于设法完成了那本书.His mind the idea has finally managed to complete the book.2.他们都说我们的大楼和他们的相似.They said our building and they are similar.3.我不知道如何处理这个问题.I do not know how to deal with this problem.4.这笔钱足够你买汽车了.Enough money to buy you a car.5.这消息使他相信他的小说是很受欢迎的.The news made him believe that his novels are very popular6.报刊杂志应该用来表现工人的正面形象.Newspapers and magazines should be used to show a positive image o

1、I have a lot of books——注意复数
2、He have a brother and a sister——复数
3、Let him sing an English song——单数
4、Are those tigers? No, they are the Lions.
5、What is that?That is a cow.
1、They are going to visit their parents next week.
2、His sister can speak Chinese, but it can not speak French.——时态问题
3、The baby did not cry last night.——没有错
4、Yesterday morning I was reading this book.——过去式
5、Our classroom is clean and bright.
1、The development of western China is very important.——意思对了……
2、You should use the correct approach to start a conversation.
3、When I was repairing trucks, he was painting.
4、The father told us the story.
5、She came earlier than yesterday morning.
1、These universities have the right to award degrees.
2、Many young people have the chance to go to college.
3、Many college students come from poor families, was been force to become a waiter at night.
4、These children are very promising in music.
5、Do not complain about the difficult conditions, but should work hard to improve conditions.
6、Please tell me who made the decision to postpone the meeting.
7、Working with workers is good for us.
8、The number of students is based on the size of the campus.
1、He finally complete the book with the idea in his mind.
2、They said our building are similar to theirs.
3、I do not know how to deal with this problem
4、These money are enough for you to buy a car.
5、This news made him believe that his novels is very popular.
6、Newspapers and magazines should be used to present a positive image of the workers.
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