早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
protect Our Envirronment
People can live all over the world.We can do this because we are able to make clothes and build houses which are needed for different conditions.Most plants andanimals can only live in some
environments because they can't put on or take off clothes.The envieonment where a plant or animal livesis called its habitat.Forest,garden,jungle and desert can make a good habitat.A bird can live in a forest habitat.A forg can live in a pound habitat.A panda can live in a mountain habitat.A whale can live in a sea habitat.People can live in the king of place where we have enogh food,water,plantsand other animals.There may be many different kinds of animals and plants living together in the same habitat .They all need food for groth.Plants will get their food from the sunlight,the air and water,but animals have to eat other living things like plants or other animals.
The environment needs to be protected because if the habitat becomes worse and worse,then no people,plants or animals will be able to survive.
People can live all over the world.We can do this because we are able to make clothes and build houses which are needed for different conditions.Most plants andanimals can only live in some
environments because they can't put on or take off clothes.The envieonment where a plant or animal livesis called its habitat.Forest,garden,jungle and desert can make a good habitat.A bird can live in a forest habitat.A forg can live in a pound habitat.A panda can live in a mountain habitat.A whale can live in a sea habitat.People can live in the king of place where we have enogh food,water,plantsand other animals.There may be many different kinds of animals and plants living together in the same habitat .They all need food for groth.Plants will get their food from the sunlight,the air and water,but animals have to eat other living things like plants or other animals.
The environment needs to be protected because if the habitat becomes worse and worse,then no people,plants or animals will be able to survive.
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