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By one measure,2005 was the first year since 1820 that the majority of world GDP was produced in developing countries,the Economist reported in a "fascinating" --for us here at IFC,that is-- article on whether we are living in "A New Emerging Markets Era".Of course,we were mostly proud that the article mentioned that it was IFC that coined the term "emerging markets" about 20 years ago now.The mention was even more of a thrill given that we're celebrating our 50th anniversary this year.But we digress.
The real issue here is that emerging markets appear to be finally fulfilling their potential and coming into their own,as IFC predicted.However,IFC would hasten to add --as did the Economist-- that challenges remain and now is NOT the time for complacency.Challenges to business and entrepreneurship remain,reforms still need to be undertaken,financial systems to ensure small and medium-sized business access to credit are necessary in many countries,and the list goes on.
通过一项措施,2005年是自1820年以来的第一年,世界国内生产总值在发展中国家生产的多数,经济学家在“有趣” -我们这里国际金融公司,这是-我们究竟是生活在文章报道“新时代的新兴市场”.当然,我们主要感到自豪的是,文...