早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


I ____ but I ____ nothing .
A.listened;heard B.heard;heard C.heard;listened
The girl ____ the red dress is Jill Green .
A.with B.wear C.put on D.in
A hobby ____ be almost anything a person likes to do in his spare time .
A.can B.must C.has to D./
People who take ____ hobbies are hobbyists .
A.on B.up C.in D.off
In early times ,people were ____ busy making a living to have hobbies .
A.very B.so C.too D.such

2.选D.in the red dress指穿着红色的裙子,穿着红色衣服可以说the girl in red/the girl wearing red clothes/the girl who wears red clothes,而put on 指穿衣服的一种动作,如她穿上了衣服,she put on a coat(put过去式依然为put)
3.选A.must解释为必须时是指主观方面,has to也解释为必须,但强调客观,must还可以解释为“偏偏”“一定”这里用can表示一种事实,也可以排除B\C,D显然不对
4.选B.take on解释为“雇佣”“呈现”“承担”“穿上”,take in解释为“吸收”“欺骗”“领悟”take off解释为“腾飞”“起飞”,take up 解释为“占据,从事,开始(学习或某种爱好)故选择B
5.选C.“too...to”结构,“太……以至不能……”人们忙于生计以至不能从事兴趣爱好be busy doing something的结构要看出来
可能本人解释得并不到位,但希望可以帮到你,最后祝你学习进步!呵呵 :-)
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