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Reaction to Hamlet
Fate is attached to each one,as the shadow follows the form.It can not only be gentle like the sunshine,but can also be horrible like the Evil.
The main character Hamlet is always thinking.To revenge or to forgive,no matter what kind of choice,will everything return to before?To be or not to be,that is the question.Life is a pain,but death makes him scared.Is it only death let him fear?Of course not.What scares him most is to drag out an ignoble existence with humiliation and helpless,or to burden with treason,or to buried with his lowly shameless uncle.Which one to choose,which should choose.That may be more difficult to answer than live or die.
Life is a game of choice.
Then,the choice of the final answer?The beloved woman committed suicide.Revenge failed,and killed by his dead lover’s brother.Hamlet is living for revenge,but died from others’ revenge to him,and isn't it a kind of sorrow?A lot of people fight against the fate,finally can not escape the cruel life,nothing can be changed.This kind of helpless exists in all the people,perhaps this is the greatest unhappiness of human.Only when the sun of death shining on their cold body,that moment can be the real ideal and free.
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