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As it become clear that the DNA molecule was the repository of the hereditary information,investigators began to puzzle over how such a seemingly simple molecule could carry out such a complex function . A DNA molecule is simply arepeating chain of identical five-carbon sugars linked together head to tail.One of four ring-shaped organic bases —adenine(A),guanine (G),thymine(T),and cytosine (C)—protrudesfrom each of the sugars .
It was at firstdifficult to understand hoe DNA plays such a complex role in heredity ,becauseDNA was initially thought to be a simple repeating polymer such as AGTCAGTC AGTC .however ,by the late 1940s,careful chemical analyses by Erwin Chargaff and his colleagues at ColumbiaUniversity had revealed that the ratioof bases in different DNAs varies widely and that the sequences are not assimple as had originally been thought .Chargaff did observe an important underlying regularity: the amount ofcytosine .However ,the amount of adenine plus thymine often differs greatlyfrom the amount of guanines plus cytosine .
Although the significanceof the regularities pointed out by Chargaff was not immediately obvious ,issoon become clear . Two British chemists, Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkens, had performed x-ray crystallographic analysis of fibers of DNA .In thisprocess the DNA molecule is bombarded with an x-ray beam. When individualx-rays encounter atoms , their path is bent or diffracted; the pattern created by the sum total of allthese diffractions can be captured on a piece of photographic film .Such apattern resembles the ripples created on a smooth lake by a rock tossed into it.By careful analysis of the diffraction pattern ,it is possible to develop athree-dimensional image of the molecule .The diffraction patterns that Franklinobtained suggested that the DNA molecule was a helical coil with repeating elements of 2.0 and 3.4 nanometers.
