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求大神用专业的角度翻译下这段英文,题目是“Motor modules in robot-aided walking
The lack of differences in our results may be explained either by the small absolute value of BWS used for our experiments, and/or to the normalization process applied.
However, we are more likely to address this phenomenon to the differences in experimental conditions since similar findings have been reported by another group [59] using the same normalization procedure, but higher levels of BWS. The study by McGowan [47], however, shows a minor effect of BWS and a rather more pronounced effect of increased weight and mass on EMG amplitude in those muscles. Moreover, the study reported that the temporal intervention of those muscles is robust at changing of loading condition.
The guidance force was set to 0% (free run mode) rather than a strict (position control with stiff joints) or partial guiding, for the purpose of directly testing the influence of the human-machine interface on motor control in the condition where the machine itself was behaving as transparent as possible.
The lack of differences in our results may be explained either by the small absolute value of BWS used for our experiments, and/or to the normalization process applied.
However, we are more likely to address this phenomenon to the differences in experimental conditions since similar findings have been reported by another group [59] using the same normalization procedure, but higher levels of BWS. The study by McGowan [47], however, shows a minor effect of BWS and a rather more pronounced effect of increased weight and mass on EMG amplitude in those muscles. Moreover, the study reported that the temporal intervention of those muscles is robust at changing of loading condition.
The guidance force was set to 0% (free run mode) rather than a strict (position control with stiff joints) or partial guiding, for the purpose of directly testing the influence of the human-machine interface on motor control in the condition where the machine itself was behaving as transparent as possible.
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