早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.【How to keep healthy】 I am sorry to hear that you aren’t feeling well.It is important for us to keep healthy.Now I will give you some advice Firstly,I think you should exercise every day,exercising is good for your health,such as playing basketball,play volleyball,and run.Secondly ,it is good to eat lots of vegetables and fruits.don’t eat junk food.Thirdly ,I think you should relax yourself and not to be stressed out.Finally ,enough sleep is also important.I hope you will feel better soon.
2.【My future】 Different people have different dreams.When I grow up,I am going to be a musician,because I want to give people a lot of fun.Music makes people happy,when you are sad and stressed out,music can help you relax.What should I do?First ,I am going to study hard and lots of knowledge,because knowledge can change our future.Secondly ,I will learn to play some instruments in my free time.Third ,when I finish my high school,I will choose a musical school to have some professional lessons and I will do better in school.One day,I hope my dream will come true.
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