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谁能告诉偶,杨浦区高三英语一模卷(2012)第75题 为什么是选A,不能选B或者C啊?
With greenhouse gas emissions(排放)hitting record levels and passing climate scientist's worst predictions,a new group of Chinese activists is making its voice heard at the United Nations climate talks,the COP17,which was held in Durban,South Africa.
The delegation of independent Chinese non-governmental organizations (NGOs) believes that civil society must play a bigger role in the global climate crisis.C Plus is the name given to the project launched by 42 Chinese NGOs,calling for domestic and global action to fight climate change.And they think the best way of demanding governments' action is to take action by themselves.The message is clear:climate action is too important and too urgent.It can't wait.The top-down process of negotiations that we are seeing at the UN is too slow.
C Plus has three components,which together explain its name.C Plus stands for:Beyond Commitment.This means that NGOs must put pressure on their governments to achieve targets that are beyond those that have been officially stated.Second is Beyond China -- in other words,NGOs outside and inside of China together must strive to influence their respective governments to take action.Finally,Beyond Climate.The project targets not just carbon reduction but other environmental measures as well such as clean water and air,public education,water conservation and preservation of forests.
In the last few years,NGOs have played an active role in influencing the government's policy making,supervising the government's task of environment responsibility and raising public awareness in environment protection.
And NGOs can claim some notable successes.NGOs sponsored “26-degree air conditioning office” among the public,which later became a government regulation.A group of Chinese citizens organized together and stopped the construction of a dangerous chemical plant in Xiamen.
In total,there are 3,539 environment NGOs in China,in which 55.2 percent now have their own offices,and 26 percent have fixed source of investment.However,most environment NGOs still face problems including difficulty in raising money,shortage in personnel and weak organization ability in their development process.
In Durban,Chinese NGOs have arrived as a team and are prepared to state their demands.
75.What can be inferred from the passage about the NGOs?
A.They once pushed the government to make a regulation concerning office temperature.
B.They pushed forward the slow negotiations by adopting the top-down style.
C.They were directly involved in making environment-related policies.
D.They successfully pressurized the government to achieve the unofficially stated targets.
话说这篇我们刚做过诶!我觉得原文中“And NGOs can claim some notable successes.NGOs sponsored “26-degree air conditioning office” among the public,which later became a government regulation.”这一句很明显指的就是NGO推动政府空调最低温度为26度.至于你说的C题中指directly直接不对的,它是间接影响政府;B中的论述不符合文意啊!
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