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我大一,要演讲.三到五分钟.比较,home made food,fast food .
我大一,要演讲.三到五分钟.比较,home made food,fast food .
Fast Food Vs.Home-Made FoodThese days,most people prefer fast food rather than home-made food.People are alike in needing food in order to survive,but they differ in choosing the kind of food they're having.Fast food and home-made food have considerable dissimilarities in preparation time,convenience,and quality.
Nowadays,fast food attracts people more than home-made food does.It's known as the food that you don't have to prepare.Fast food is more common because people are always busy,and in a hurry,so they head towards fast food restaurants to save their time.For example,if a worker works for a long time and doesn't have enough time to cook a meal,(he/she) will definitely consume a fast food meal.Fast food is also common because it's convenient and people can find fast food restaurants in all places.Most fast food restaurants are generally bad for people's health,because bad quality of ingredients is used.For instance,most of the fast food restaurants consume the cheapest kind of chicken,which may be a potential risk to people's health.
On the other hand,home-made food has less attraction than fast food.A reason for this is that home-made food needs lots of time until it gets ready.For instance,people should wait for several hours in order to have a ready home-made meal.Another reason is that home-made food is less convenient than fast food.For example,you may not find all the ingredients you need in one grocery,yet you have to look in several groceries until you find all the ingredients.Home-made food is much healthier than fast food,and therefore,people will enjoy eating their meals without thinking of health problems.
In conclusion,both fast food and home-made food have significant divergence in preparation time,convenience and quality.Fast food might be better in saving time and being more convenient,while home-made food might be better in quality.I do believe that home-made food is much better than fast food,because people's health is above...
Nowadays,fast food attracts people more than home-made food does.It's known as the food that you don't have to prepare.Fast food is more common because people are always busy,and in a hurry,so they head towards fast food restaurants to save their time.For example,if a worker works for a long time and doesn't have enough time to cook a meal,(he/she) will definitely consume a fast food meal.Fast food is also common because it's convenient and people can find fast food restaurants in all places.Most fast food restaurants are generally bad for people's health,because bad quality of ingredients is used.For instance,most of the fast food restaurants consume the cheapest kind of chicken,which may be a potential risk to people's health.
On the other hand,home-made food has less attraction than fast food.A reason for this is that home-made food needs lots of time until it gets ready.For instance,people should wait for several hours in order to have a ready home-made meal.Another reason is that home-made food is less convenient than fast food.For example,you may not find all the ingredients you need in one grocery,yet you have to look in several groceries until you find all the ingredients.Home-made food is much healthier than fast food,and therefore,people will enjoy eating their meals without thinking of health problems.
In conclusion,both fast food and home-made food have significant divergence in preparation time,convenience and quality.Fast food might be better in saving time and being more convenient,while home-made food might be better in quality.I do believe that home-made food is much better than fast food,because people's health is above...
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