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数学高手啊 着急 在线等 请大家帮帮我
the voltage, V volts, in an electrical circuit is given by the formula V=IR, where R ohms is the total resistance of the circuit and I amps is the current flowing in the circuit. if R=6 and I=4, each being correct to 1 significant figure, calculate the maximum and minimum value of V.
The dimensions of the triangle shown are know to an accuracy of 1cm. Calculate the maximum and minimum value of the perimeter of the triangle and the percentage error.
A function is defined by f(x)=35-ax3(ax的立方),where 0 小于等于x 小于等于2. the value of a is known to be 3.6+-0.2. find the maximum and minimum value and error in calculating f(1), that is f(x) when x=1.
Using the formula V=派r平方(H-h), and your calculator value of 派,calculate the value of V when r= 4.26,H=21.58 and h=14.35. give the full calculator display. give your answer to two decimal places. give your answer to two significant figures.
The speed of sound in air is given as 300 ms-1. how many metres does sound travel in air in one hour? Express your answer to correct to two significant figures.
要过程 谢谢大家了 答的好给加分
the voltage, V volts, in an electrical circuit is given by the formula V=IR, where R ohms is the total resistance of the circuit and I amps is the current flowing in the circuit. if R=6 and I=4, each being correct to 1 significant figure, calculate the maximum and minimum value of V.
The dimensions of the triangle shown are know to an accuracy of 1cm. Calculate the maximum and minimum value of the perimeter of the triangle and the percentage error.
A function is defined by f(x)=35-ax3(ax的立方),where 0 小于等于x 小于等于2. the value of a is known to be 3.6+-0.2. find the maximum and minimum value and error in calculating f(1), that is f(x) when x=1.
Using the formula V=派r平方(H-h), and your calculator value of 派,calculate the value of V when r= 4.26,H=21.58 and h=14.35. give the full calculator display. give your answer to two decimal places. give your answer to two significant figures.
The speed of sound in air is given as 300 ms-1. how many metres does sound travel in air in one hour? Express your answer to correct to two significant figures.
要过程 谢谢大家了 答的好给加分
1.最大值V=IR=4.5*6.5=29.25最小值V=3.5*5.5=19.252.假设三边长度是a b c那么周长最大值是(a+b+c+1.5)cm最小值是(a+b+c-1.5cm)误差为1.5*100/(a+b+c-1.5) %3.已知 f(x)=35-ax3(ax的立方),0≤x≤2,a=3.6±2(就是3.4...
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