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此地无银三百两:(1)never try to prove what nobody doubts
(2)A guilty person gives himself away by consciously protesting his innocence.
(3)There is no silver buried here
One man buried his silver and put a note,on the very gound,saying that there is no silver buried.His neighbor Wang Er stole his silver,also put a note saying that your neighbor Wang Er didn't steal the silver.
In a Chinese folk tale,a foolish peasant obtains three hundred taels [a weight measure] of silver.Worried that they will be stolen,he buries them.Still unable to put this mind at ease,he places a sign above them which reads,“There are no three hundred taels of silver buried here.” The silver is,of course,then stolen by his neighbor Wang Er
Folk tale.A man buried his silver in the ground and put up a note,saying:"Three hundred ounces of silver is not buried here." His neighbour Ah Erh stole the silver and also put up a note with this:"Your neighbour Ah Erh didn't steal it."
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