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English.[判断] 哪里错了..并改正
1. Bob is heavier than any other boys in the class. __
2.It is one of the most interesting book than I have ever read. __
3.He says Mary is most friendliest person in the class. __
1.Bob is heavier than any other boys(改成boy,any other boy意思是 “其余任何一个男孩” in the class.--- Bob 比班里其余任何一个男孩都高.2.It is one of the most interesting book(改成books,one of "...中的一个,后面名词要用复数形式.) than (改成that,定语从句连词)I have ever read.__ 它是我曾经读过的最有趣的书之一.
3.He says Mary is most friendliest (改成 the most friendly )person in the class.__他说Mary是班里最友善的人.