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    Susie Sunbeam was not her real name. It was Susan Brown. But everyone called 1 Sunbeam because she had such a sweet smiling face. She 2 took brightness with her wherever she went. Her grandfather first gave her this 3 and it seemed to fit the little girl so 4 that soon it took the place of her own.

    Even when Susie was a baby she laughed and smiled from morning till night. No one ever heard her cry unless she was 5  or hurt. When she had learnt to 6 she loved to go around the house and get things for her mother. 7 she helped her as much as she could.

    She loved 8 . She would sit by her mother’s side for an hour at a time and ask her many questions. At other times she would take a new book and read quietly. Susie was always pleasant in her play with other children. She never used a(n) 9 word but tried to do whatever would make her playmates happy.

    One day a(n) 10 little gril with an old torn dress passed by. Susie heard some children teasing and laughing at her. She at once ran out to the gate and asked the little gril to come 11 .

    “What are you crying for? ” Susie asked. “Because they all 12 at me.” she said.

    Then Susie took the little girl into the house. She 13 the little girl with kind words and she gave her one of her own best dresses and a good pair of shoes. This bought real 14 to the poor child and she thought that Sunbeam was the 15 name for Susan Brown.

1. A. it             B.itself        C.her          D.herself

2. A.sometimes     B.seldom      C.never        D.always

3. A.name          B.chance      C.dress        D.book

4. A.possibly        B.clearly      C.nicely        D.easily

5. A.happy         B.sick         C.fine          D.busy

6. A.walk           B.say         C.read         D.write

7. A.By the way     B.In this way   C.On the way   D.In the way

8. A.study          B.nature      C.travel        D.sport

9. A.kind           B.unkind      C.usual        D.unusual

10. A.honest        B.weak      C.poor         D.rich

11. A.in             B.out        C.up          D.down

12. A.look          B.point       C.shout       D.laugh

13. A.brought up   B.gave up     C.picked up    D.cheered up

14. A.pain          B.trouble     C.pleasure     D.truth

15. A.wrong        B.right       C.strange       D.common


1C 2D 3A 4C 5B 6A 7B 8A 9B 10C 11A 12D 13D 14C 15B

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