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2012 年 5月15日
Letter of resignation
Respected leaders:
I regret this time in a formal resignation to the company to apply for.
To the company for three years. In three years, I have learned a lot, this experience in my future work and life will be a valuable asset, in this three years, I have company colleagues more to help, I am very grateful to the company all colleagues. Company of interpersonal relationship and enlightened equal work style, let me can work happily here, happy learning. Thanks to the company three years of my support and training.
I consider this to submit his resignation after a month to leave the company, so you will have time to look for suitable candidates, I have to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation, but I also can help you couple of staff training, so that he is familiar with the job as soon as possible. Do a good job in the job, try to make work balance transition. Left the company, leaving those who share sb.'s joys and sorrows of my colleagues, is unwilling, reluctant leaders of the Chun teachings, reluctant to colleagues of the sincere and friendly.
I regret to say I can't for the company brilliant tomorrow to contribute their strength. I only wish the company leadership and colleagues to work smoothly! Wish our friendship is enduring as the universe. I wish the project put into operation as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely
To resign:
In May 15, 2012
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