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进入乔家院大门是一条长80米笔直的石铺甬道,把六个大院分为南北两排,甬道两侧靠墙有护坡.西尽头处是乔家祠堂,与大门遥相对应.大院有主楼四座,门楼、更楼、眺阁六座.各院房顶上有走道相通,用于巡更护院.纵观全院,从外面看,威严高大,整齐端庄;进院里看,富丽堂皇,井然有序,显示了我国北方封建大家庭的居住格调.整个大院,布局严谨,建筑考究,规范而有变化,不但有整体美感,而且在局部建筑上各有特色,即使是房顶上的 140余个烟囱也都各有特异.全院亭台楼阁,雕梁画栋,堆金立粉,完全显示了我国古代劳动人民高超的建筑艺术水平,确实是不可多得的艺术珍品.
您好,现翻译如下,你看看.乔家大院有两种翻译:1.Qiao's Grand Courtyard 2.Qiao Jia Da Yuan 我选择Qiao's Grand Courtyard进行翻译.
Qiao's Grand Courtyard is located in the middle of Qixian QIAO Jia-warburg.This is a magnificent building groups, from a height overlooking the courtyard layout, just like a symbol of good luck double "hi" is used.The entire complex covers an area of 8724 square meters, construction area of 3870 square meters. Sub-6 compound, which sets of 20 small homes, 313 houses.The compound is shaped like a castle, and three facing street, surrounded by brick walls are all closed-end, high-more than thirty feet, above a parapet wall and the observation probe body cover the mouth safe and strong, and it looks dignified style.The design of the exquisite craft of fine, fully embodies the residential buildings in China in the Qing Dynasty style, with a very high viewing, scientific research and historical value, is really a unique art treasure-house experts and scholars have been rightly praised as the "northern residential areas building a pearl. "No wonder some people with emotion after the visit, said: "The Royal has the Forbidden City, houses the Qiao's Grand Courtyard."
进入乔家院大门是一条长80米笔直的石铺甬道,把六个大院分为南北两排,甬道两侧靠墙有护坡.西尽头处是乔家祠堂,与大门遥相对应.大院有主楼四座,门楼、更楼、眺阁六座.各院房顶上有走道相通,用于巡更护院.纵观全院,从外面看,威严高大,整齐端庄;进院里看,富丽堂皇,井然有序,显示了我国北方封建大家庭的居住格调.整个大院,布局严谨,建筑考究,规范而有变化,不但有整体美感,而且在局部建筑上各有特色,即使是房顶上的 140余个烟囱也都各有特异.全院亭台楼阁,雕梁画栋,堆金立粉,完全显示了我国古代劳动人民高超的建筑艺术水平,确实是不可多得的艺术珍品.
Qiao's Grand Courtyard-door into the hospital is a 80-meter long corridor straight slab into two rows of six compound is divided into north and south, corridor wall on both sides have slope.West End is that Joe Jiaci Tang, with the door remote correspond. Compound has four main building, a gatehouse, more floor, balcony Court 6.The hospital roof there interlinked walkways for the patrol nursing homes. Looking at a full-house, from the outside, majestic tall, dignified and orderly; into the courtyard of view, magnificent, orderly, showing the family living in northern China feudal style.The entire compound, layout rigorous, building elegant, norms have changed, not only have an overall sense of beauty, but also have their own local architectural features, even on the roof more than 140 chimneys also have their own specificity.Hospital-wide pavilions, richly ornamented, heap Jin powder, fully shows the working people in ancient China the level of superb architecture is indeed a rare art treasures.
Twenty years before the compound Jian Yuqing Qianlong (AD 1756) and later expanded twice, once Upgrading.The first expansion of about wen years, presided over by Jo Yong-induced, the second expansion for the dynasty, the late, from Xiao Jing Yi, Joe handles the most dignified; the last time Upgrading in the Republic ten years later by the Qiaoying Xia, Qiao Ying-Kui done separately.From the established to the final completion of the current situation, in the middle after nearly two centuries. Although the time span is large, but later expanded and modified to be able to carry out according to the original concept so that the whole compound style consistent, seamless.
Qiao's Grand Courtyard according to the traditional name for the north, three compound, from east to west in turn called the old hospital, northwest hospital, study hospital. Followed by three compound southeast of the south homes, Southwest Hospital, the new hospital. North and South of the title compound 6, showing Qiao's Grand Courtyard in the construction sequence of each compound.
Qianlong Qiao's Grand Courtyard is located in a place, in part precisely QIAO Jia-warburg cross the street and alley cross mouth.Joe the nation and his two brothers after the separation, and bought the northeast corner of Cross mouth several house, the construction of the building since.Main building for the hard-Peak brick houses, brick-wood structure, with lattice windows and no doors, built in the indoor staircase upstairs. Is characterized by thick walls, windows small, solid firm, for five years outside of Hospitals. The east of the main building is the original house, have also been renovated, as a partial hospital. Also in the two partial hospital door converted into a book privately run, this is the first compound Qiao's Grand Courtyard, which is the old hospital.Legend of partial-hospital originally had five Temple, Temple before two locust tree, long a bizarre eccentric, it is known as the "sacred tree." QIAO’s obtain the right to use this piece of land, the original intention to shift the temple embedded tree. Later in the evening Joe made the nation a dream in which God warned Kap said: "tree-shift live, Temple moved Fu, to tilapia, Temple moved the tree together. East 45 steps, that is, living at the tree. If the home shrine embedded trees, dead trees are not rich ... . "Not long afterwards, this tree will be dying. Joe the nation's fear to offend the gods, then according to the instructions dream place, moved past the tree, the tree is really risen, and the foliage lush as ever. This seems to be "God spirit appeared" really has its God, so also in the side of pre-hospital repair of a 5 Temple, until today still exist. At the same time the main hospital and the hospital side there is a large brick of land between the temple, carved with the Rock Hill and the deer, mouth fungus.The amount of land has four brick temple lions and Yibing Ruyi, metaphors, "4:00 wishful." Temple walls are Indus and pine, six pairs of deer, both together, allegorical "Liuhe fluent."
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