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麻烦帮我翻译一下Justin Bieber------Where are u now歌词 最好是一句歌词一句中文翻译
Where Are Ü Now - Skrillex, Diplo,Justin Bieber
I need you, that I need you
I need you, that I need you
I need you, you, you, you, you, you
I need you, that I need you
I need you, that I need you
I need you, you, you, you, you, you
You, you, you you
I need you the most
I gave you the key when the door wasn't open, just admit it
See, I gave you faith, turned your doubt into hoping, can't deny it
Now I'm all alone and my joys turned to moping
Tell me he where are you now that I need you?
Where are you now?
Where are you now that I need you?
Couldn't find you anywhere
When you broke down I didn't leave you
I was by your side
So where are you now that I need you?
Where are you now that I need you?
Where are you now that I need you?
Where are you now that I need you?
Where are you now that I need you?
I gave you attention when nobody else was payin'
I gave you the shirt off my back, what you sayin', to keep you warm
I showed you the game everybody else was playin', that's for sure
And I was on my knees when nobody else was prayin', oh Lord
Where are you now that I need you?
Where are you now that I need you?
I need you, that I need you
I need you, that I need you
I need you, you, you, you, you, you
I need you, that I need you
I need you, that I need you
I need you, you, you, you, you, you
I need you the most
Where are you now that I need you?
Where are you now that I need you?
Where are you now that I need you?
I need you the most
I need you the most, I need you the most
I need you, that I need you我需要你I need you, that I need you我需要你I need you, you, you, you, you, you我迫切需要你I need you, that I need you我需要你I need you, that I need you我需要你I need you, y...
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