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英语翻译IvolunteeredtofulfillSmileCardorders,whichareofferedbyHelpOthers,andmyfirstshipmentof“to-be-mailed”SmileCardsarrivedonMonday.Iwasvery excited andimmediatelyinspectedallthecontents.Mydarlinghus

I volunteered to fulfill Smile Card orders,which are offered by Help Others,and my first shipment of “to-be-mailed” Smile Cards arrived on Monday.I was very  excited  and immediately inspected all the contents.My darling husband quietly  watched  me,not wanting to interrupt my moment,but I could tell he was  curious .I told him I would be helping to spread kindness   by mailing Smile Cards to members.“That’s great!” he said,probably thinking,“There she  goes  again with another one of her causes.”
I showed him all the  contents  I was to mail,and he  mentioned  it was a lot to send.“Did Help Others  provide  you with stamps?” he asked.I  held  my breath,worried that he would be  upset  when he found out that postage would be  coming out  of my pocket.But instead,in the most matter of fact  manner  he asked,“Do you think a roll of 100  stamps  would help you get started?I can stop  by  the post office on my next day off.” I had to give him a kiss.
Fast forward to Wednesday.I was sitting on the floor  handwriting  addresses on each outgoing envelope while he watched his TV show.He turned the TV  off  and asked,“What can I do to help you get these ready?” I gave him  instructions  and we quickly got our first 10 orders ready.
On Thursday afternoon he drove us to the post office,where he  patiently  waited with me in a slow-moving line.  Since  this was a labor of love for me,I told him we absolutely had to get the Love:King and Queen of Hearts stamps.No plain ones.“Of course,” he said.“ Nothing  else would do.” He knows stamp choices are important to me
在星期二的下午,他开车送我去邮局,他很耐心的等我在一个前进缓慢的队列中.这是他心甘情愿为我做的,我明确的告诉他不得不得到爱:红心国王和王后的邮票,没有一个是平淡的.“当然”他说“将没有其他事去做 了”他知道选择邮票对我来说哦很重要.