早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
Do you agree or disagree that you know a lot about a person through the types of friends he has?
It seems like to be a good way to learn a person’s characters and hobbies through the types of friends of him.It is also regarded as a gold rule using by many people today to draw a conclusion of someone.However,things are not that simple.I definitely disagree with the statement that we can know a lot about a person through the types of friends this person has.
First,although most friends may share some hobbies in common,we are difficult to tell which certain hobby or character do they share since a person's interests can be various and thus is complicated for us to figure out .Using the example of my friend and I to exemplify what I mean,we both enjoy swimming and are good partners in the swimming pool.Whereas she is really fond of shopping and I accompany her most of the time.When you see us shopping in the mall frequently,can you say that I enjoy shopping a lot?If you say yes,you are cheated.Such thing is not rare in everyday life and if you wish to know a person well through his friends ,chances are that you may be misled.
Furthermore,people sometimes tend to make friends with those whose characters are completely different from their own.If one is passionate,he may have a shy friend .In this way ,it enables him to fully develop his characters and to learn the skill of getting along well with various kinds of people.We are likely to be confused when the types of one's friends are extremely distinct and finding the correct answer what the person is like becomes a "mission impossible".
In general,it is too difficult for us to know exactly common interests between two people and not be misled by various types of friends of him.Maybe we can try other ways to know a lot about the person ,but it is not effieient to know a lot a bout a person through the types of friends he has.Thus I disagree with the statement.
Do you agree or disagree that you know a lot about a person through the types of friends he has?
It seems like to be a good way to learn a person’s characters and hobbies through the types of friends of him.It is also regarded as a gold rule using by many people today to draw a conclusion of someone.However,things are not that simple.I definitely disagree with the statement that we can know a lot about a person through the types of friends this person has.
First,although most friends may share some hobbies in common,we are difficult to tell which certain hobby or character do they share since a person's interests can be various and thus is complicated for us to figure out .Using the example of my friend and I to exemplify what I mean,we both enjoy swimming and are good partners in the swimming pool.Whereas she is really fond of shopping and I accompany her most of the time.When you see us shopping in the mall frequently,can you say that I enjoy shopping a lot?If you say yes,you are cheated.Such thing is not rare in everyday life and if you wish to know a person well through his friends ,chances are that you may be misled.
Furthermore,people sometimes tend to make friends with those whose characters are completely different from their own.If one is passionate,he may have a shy friend .In this way ,it enables him to fully develop his characters and to learn the skill of getting along well with various kinds of people.We are likely to be confused when the types of one's friends are extremely distinct and finding the correct answer what the person is like becomes a "mission impossible".
In general,it is too difficult for us to know exactly common interests between two people and not be misled by various types of friends of him.Maybe we can try other ways to know a lot about the person ,but it is not effieient to know a lot a bout a person through the types of friends he has.Thus I disagree with the statement.
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