早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
1,Professor :Hi,everyone.Good to see you all today.Actually,I expected the population to be a lot lower today.It typically runs between 50 and 60 percent on the day the research paper is due.
这句话怎么翻译,其中的 to be a lot lower today be起的什么作用,就是说教授这么说是什么意思
2,Rightly or Wrongly,a professor who appears on TV tends to get the reputation among fellow professors of being someone who is not a serious scholar--someone who chooses to entertain rather than to educate.
of 这句话怎么断句
1,Professor :Hi,everyone.Good to see you all today.Actually,I expected the population to be a lot lower today.It typically runs between 50 and 60 percent on the day the research paper is due.
这句话怎么翻译,其中的 to be a lot lower today be起的什么作用,就是说教授这么说是什么意思
2,Rightly or Wrongly,a professor who appears on TV tends to get the reputation among fellow professors of being someone who is not a serious scholar--someone who chooses to entertain rather than to educate.
of 这句话怎么断句
第一句,教授:大家好,见到你们很高兴,事实上,我觉得今天出席的人不会多,特别是在交论文的那天,只会有50~60%的出席.这一局里面的to be 表示将来时,或者说表示一个趋势和有可能的情况,跟to be or not to be的意思是一样的.
第二句,且不问是对是错,一个在电视上露面的教授有可能会在他的同事中被认为不是一名严肃的学者——一个选择娱乐人们而非教育人们的人.断句是a professor who这个who代前面的a professor,appears on TV在电视上露面,tends to get the reputation有可能得到这样的一个名声,among fellow professors在他的同事中,of being someone这里of 的是前面的reputation,然后才是being someone而并非是of being,who is not a serious scholar不是一位严肃的学者
第二句,且不问是对是错,一个在电视上露面的教授有可能会在他的同事中被认为不是一名严肃的学者——一个选择娱乐人们而非教育人们的人.断句是a professor who这个who代前面的a professor,appears on TV在电视上露面,tends to get the reputation有可能得到这样的一个名声,among fellow professors在他的同事中,of being someone这里of 的是前面的reputation,然后才是being someone而并非是of being,who is not a serious scholar不是一位严肃的学者
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