早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


11、What is your mother doing She _______________ (缝制)some
old coats.
12、Gongli is one of my favourite film _____________(星) ,so I like her films.
13、My father like to wear the clothes made of ___________ .(棉花)
14、Tom is not a _________(懒) boy ,but his brother isn’t.
15、When did they come here I know they were here a week ___________(以前).
16、The ___________( 警察 ) are looking for the thieves in the street.
17、This shirt is so expensive,do you have a __________ (便宜)one
18、Look Is the little girl _________(试穿) on her new skirt?
19、The boy _________ (哭)for a long time last night.Did you hear him
20、What does your sister do on Sundays ,goes out or _________(呆) at home
11、What is your mother doing ? She is sewing (缝制)some old coats.
12、Gongli is one of my favourite film star (星) , so I like her films.
13、My father like to wear the clothes made of cotton . (棉花)
14、Tom is not a lazy(懒) boy , but his brother isn’t.
15、When did they come here ? I know they were here a week ago(以前).
16、The police( 警察 ) are looking for the thieves in the street.
17、This shirt is so expensive, do you have a cheaper (便宜)one ?
18、Look ! Is the little girl trying(试穿) on her new skirt?
19、The boy cried (哭)for a long time last night. Did you hear him ?
20、What does your sister do on Sundays , goes out or stays(呆) at home ?
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